Repaint the Wall, a Customer Experience Focused Digital Media Company, is searching for elite interns for the Spring Semester.  Repaint the Wall has 3 core areas of focus: Video, Social Media, and Personal Branding.  With that said, we create custom customer-experience based marketing plans to help businesses and/or individuals (personal brands) grow and do so in many innovative and creative ways. 

We offer a variety of internships that will give you ample opportunity to get hands on experience with real brands.  You will also work with and be exposed to the world of marketing through retail, video, audio/podcasting, and more.


Primary Responsibilities:
Team Collaboration
- Working with other team members to achieve a specific goal(s).

- Using collaborative tools for effective communication and team building

Client Account Management

- How to professionally interact and communicate with clients (via person, phone, and email).

- Participate in team brainstorming meetings to create plans to strategically achieve a client’s goal.

Social Media Content Creation and Account Management

- How to create content that contributes to fulfilling a client’s long-term vision, provides value to a client’s customer base, and builds a client’s brand / reputation.

- How to effectively distribute that content (written, video, voice) through a variety of channels (newsletters, blogs, vlogs, podcasts, and social media).

- How to build and execute ads targeted to a client’s customer base on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, and more.

Details: This is an unpaid semester internship. You will get to work with the Marketing Team through the course of a semester.

- Flexible Schedule

- Work hand-in-hand with our team to gain experience in a marketing/advertising workspace.

- One-on-ones with Team Management for personal development and education.

- This internship is educational in nature and there is no guarantee or expectation that the internship will result in employment.

- Company may at any time in its sole discretion, terminate the internship without notice or cause.

- Intern will maintain a regular internship schedule determined by the Intern and their Account Manager.

Time Commitment

- 1 Full Semester

- minimum 15 hours per week

If you have a work or a portfolio you'd like to send us, email them to Joanna Tronina at to review along with your application.
Thank you for your interest in our Brand Development Internship! Please fill out this quick application and upon completion we will set up a short interview with you. 

Question Title

* 1. Please provide us with the following and please make sure your contact info is correct:

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* 2. I'm looking to intern during...

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* 3. What is your availability?

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* 4. Will you be able to commit at least 15-20 hours a week?

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* 5. What is your availability? (we typically operate M-F, but sometime have special events during the weekends)

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* 6. If you were going to send us a TWEET and quickly summarize who you were, who you are, and who you are going to be, what would it say?! 140 Characters... Go!

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* 7. What does company culture mean to you?

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* 8. Would you rather go to a party or would you rather throw a party? Why?

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* 9. What 5 adjectives best describe you? List them.

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* 10. List 5 interview questions you want us to ask you in your interview...

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* 11. What is the one thing you would like to get from this internship?

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* 12. What motivates you?

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* 13. What was your last Facebook post and/or Tweet?

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* 14. What is that one thing you really don't want to tell us, but that we really need to know?

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* 15. Any final words? Anything else you want us to know about you. LAST CHANCE! :)

Thank you for filling out this application, we will review it shortly and contact you for an interview. If you have a work or a portfolio you'd like to send us, email them to Joanna Tronina at to review along with your application.