Tell us what you think!

The Boston Townscape Heritage Project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, has provided investment into the historic town centre.

Improvements include renovations to historic properties in the Market Place, Pump Square and Dolphin Lane; Public realm improvements to the amenity area on Dolphin Lane and paving to the eastern end of Dolphin Lane; and a programme of community engagement which includes the annual Heritage Skills Fair and the community mosaic on Dolphin Lane.

Our project evaluators are writing up the final evaluation report to the Heritage Fund on what difference these improvements have made, and would love to know what you think. Thank you for supporting our project by filling in a survey. The survey should take around 5 minutes to complete. The survey will be closing on Wednesday 10th April.

All answers will be collated anonymously. If you wish to be entered for the prize draw, please leave your email address. This won't be used for any other reason than contacting you if you are the lucky winner.

Our project evaluators are Irving Patrick Consultants and Anna Cullum Associates.