
Dear musicians, past and present users of the Bondi Pavilion Music Studios and supporters of the Pavilion music program

We are a group of concerned local residents/musicians who are asking for your feedback on an important issue. Waverley Council’s current proposal for the redevelopment of Bondi Pavilion will demolish the existing music studios to possibly relocate them to an as-yet-undetermined location.

We are calling on all previous, present and potential users of the studios, and supporters of the Pavilion music program, to complete the following survey to help us to better understand your wishes and specific views on this proposal.

Survey data will only be presented in aggregate form. Although information is collected about respondents to ensure the integrity of the collected data, no individual responses will be identified.

Friends of Bondi Pavilion
Music Sub-committee

Peter Winkler
Brendan Gallagher
Gemma Deacon
Tina Harris
Nicolette Boaz
Eliane Morel

If you have any questions or issues with the survey, please contact