NextGen Board Application FY23 1. Question Title * 1. Contact Information Name Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country Email Address Phone Number OK Question Title * 2. What company do you work for/what is your current occupation? OK Question Title * 3. How will you lend your industry expertise to support UNICEF, if relevant? OK Question Title * 4. Please share your most up to date bio. OK Question Title * 5. Which NextGen Board are you applying to? San Francisco Bay Area New York City Los Angeles Atlanta Chicago OK Question Title * 6. How did you hear about the UNICEF NextGen Board? OK Question Title * 7. Have you taken the NextGen pledge? $50+/month $20+/month $500/year Not yet OK Question Title * 8. How long have you been a part of NextGen? OK Question Title * 9. In what ways have you been active or involved with NextGen i.e. attended events/activities, served on subcommittee, donated to a project. OK Question Title * 10. Which area of UNICEF's work are you most interested in? OK Question Title * 11. Apart from UNICEF's mission, why do you want to be a NextGen leader? OK Question Title * 12. As a NextGen Board Member, you will be expected to identify opportunities for growth in your city (prospective corporate partners, individuals, foundations, professional groups, etc.). How do you plan to do this and please list any prospects you are already considering. OK Question Title * 13. Please describe your fundraising experience (successes, failures, innovations). OK Question Title * 14. Do you have a philanthropic strategy (i.e. how much you hope to give annually for a set number of years) and/or would you be interested in our team helping you map this out? Yes No If yes, please share your stretch goal for giving. OK Question Title * 15. What strengths, abilities and expertise would you bring to your role as a leader? Please include anything we missed in 'other'. Fundraising Connecting people Public speaking Corporate sponsors/asks Expert in a field related to children's rights/development Film/digital storytelling Social Media Copywriting/writing PR Event planning Marketing Member recruitment Logistics/organization Leadership Execution of ideas/goals Ideation Technology/Apps Industry connections/Artist relations Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 16. Have you served or do you currently serve on any other boards or leadership/focus groups? If so, which? Yes No Please share more about your current/past board experience OK Question Title * 17. What are you hoping to get out of your involvement with UNICEF and what would you like to see from UNICEF reciprocally or in terms of support? OK Question Title * 18. Are you involved in other causes, if so, in what way? Time/Volunteer Role Monetary contributions Advocacy (lending your voice to causes and policies) I am not involved in any other causes at this time. Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 19. Are you prepared to engage your community on behalf of UNICEF? i.e. sharing advocacy actions, soliciting donations, sharing invitations to events and activities. Yes No OK Question Title * 20. Please mark your readiness and willingness to make UNICEF a top priority in your life using the sliding scale below. Not ready to devote significant time and resources Ready to devote significant time and resources Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. OK Question Title * 21. Which subcommittees are of interest to you? Program Committee (helping to host, brainstorm and support educational events and activities for your city) Content Committee (capturing NextGen content for NextGen social channels, writing copy for social, writing blog posts) Event Committees (centered around various flagship events in your city) Governance Committee (the committee responsible for vetting and on-boarding new SC members from our pool of applicants) OK Question Title * 22. If selected for the Board, you will be required to read, review and e-sign an agreement outlining your commitment as a Board Member. Please share any hesitations you have with your commitments. OK DONE