Bo-Kaap Local Area Spatial Development Framework Survey

The purpose of this survey is to get input from residents and interested and affected parties about the spatial planning and development issues in Bo-Kaap. This forms part of the public participation process about the draft Local Spatial Development Framework (LSDF) for Bo-Kaap.  The survey should take approximately 12 minutes. Responses are confidential and will be considered in the refinement of the draft documents.  For more information on the Bo-Kaap LSDF find, the documents and summary presentation are available on the City of Cape Town "Have your say" website  You can also email us questions or comments at Thank you for your participation. 
The below image shows a map of the Bo-Kaap LSDF Area, please bear this area in mind when entering responses.
1.What age group are you from 
2.What is your gender?
3.What suburb do you currently live in? 
4.If you do not live in the Bo Kaap area? Is the Bo Kaap area somewhere you would hope to live in the future?
5.How did you hear about the Bo-Kaap Local Spatial Development Framework?
6.The baseline report provides an analysis of issues that have come up in Spatial Planning in the Bo-Kaap over time. The question is to assess which of the spatial planning issues identified in the baseline report are of greater concern.    Please rank some of the following spatial planning issues identified in the Local Area Spatial Development Framework:
This is a very important issue to address
This issue is somewhat important
This issue is less significant
This issue is not important
Safe pedestrian and non-motorised transport between CBD and Bo Kaap
Availability of Affordable Housing
Heritage Protection
Sustainable tourism
Management of retail and business areas
Maintenance of cobbled streets and public areas
Parking Management
Traffic Management
Insensitive additions and new developments
Vacant, underutilized land
Lack of usable public recreation space
7.Is there any aspect of the previous issues you would like to discuss further or are there other spatial planning issues in the Bo-Kaap that you would like to highlight?
8.Are there places in Bo-Kaap that you avoid? Please describe the location/address and tell us why.
9.The Local Area Spatial Development Framework provides draft proposals for opportunities in Bo-Kaap. This question is to get a sense of the perception of these proposals. Detail of the proposals is available in the draft documents.
I support this proposal
I support this proposal with some concerns
I am neutral about this proposal
I do not support this proposal 
Tanu Baru Park upgrade including footpath from quarry site to Tanu Baru
Revitalisation of Quarry sites for recreational purposes
Some residential in Quarry sites designed to improve security and usability
Look out points on Military Road and enhancing the tourist infrastructure
Using Vacant City properties along Bloem street for development of affordable residential opportunities.
Using vacant or underutilised City properties along Buitengracht street for medium density affordable housing with some street front retail.
10.If you have concerns about these proposals, explain why?
Erf 81, the Magazine Site, is a National Government owned property,  bounded by Table Mountain National Park, Bo-Kaap and Tamboerskloof (see highlighted map area).
11.Erf 81- the Magazine Site is National Government Owned land between Bo-Kaap and Tamboerskloof (see picture of location above).   What is your perception or experience of this site and how do you see it being used in the future?
12.The Bo-Kaap LSDF provides guidance on actions to conserve the unique character of Bo-Kaap's built environment. Which aspects of Bo Kaap heritage and culture do you see as crucial to the identity of Bo Kaap?
13.The Bo-Kaap Local Spatial Development Framework proposes ideas on areas of Bo-Kaap which may need to change in the future to take advantage of opportunities or address challenges. Which spaces in or around Bo-Kaap do you feel most need to change for the better? Please provide an address or location description.
14.Please share your hopes and vision for the future of Bo-Kaap, what would you like it to be over the next 10-20 years?
Thank you for your participation! Want to engage further,  share information or register your interest in attending a Bo-Kaap LSDF Walk about? Please contact by the 12th October 2021.
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered