Lutz Preparatory School, Inc.
Board Meeting Guidelines
  1. Please silence all electronic devices.
  2. The Board receives the agenda ahead of time in order to review items before the Board meeting.  Many of the items approved without discussion on the consent agenda are items that Board members have reviewed with staff.
  3. Please understand the agenda does not contain all of the information which Board members consider as part of our decision-making.  Staff attempts to include in the agenda an amount of information that is explanatory without being excessively long.  Additional information is available to, and may be considered by, Board members.  This information comes from a variety of sources, including staff resources, and online information.
  4. Speakers will be granted three minutes to address the board.  When ten or more speakers wish to speak during public comment, the board may reduce the time to two minutes per speaker.  Speakers must sign up in person at least 15 minutes prior to the start of public comment.  The Board reserves the right to modify the speaking time based on the circumstances of any individual Board meeting.
  5. The Lutz Preparatory School, Inc. Board respects the public’s right to speak to the Board, but we cannot tolerate behavior intended to interrupt the orderly conduct of this meeting.  Our civility policy is in effect. 
Due to the meetings being held via Zoom we request that all speakers sign up in advance with this form (sign-ups will close two hours prior to the start of each meeting) and check-in at the Zoom meeting waiting room 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.  Public comments will be held at the beginning of each board meeting.

The board would like to maintain similar conditions on Zoom as they hold in a regular in-person meetings, therefore they require all public speakers to have their video cameras turned on and their name correctly listed on their Zoom profile.

All dates and times for Board Meetings are kept current and posted on the school's website. 

Please contact the board's representative to facilitate parental involvement, Rachel Lunsford, at or 813-428-7100 x154 during normal school hours with any questions. 

Question Title

* 1. First and Last Name

Question Title

* 2. Email Address

Question Title

* 3. What is the date of the Board meeting you wish to speak at?

Question Title

* 4. What is the topic in which you will be speaking on?