Bluff Creek Planning

Bluff Creek OHV Park is one of the busiest and most used OHV recreation area in the State of Iowa. As part of a planning effort, we are collecting information from people who ride at Bluff Creek. We are also interested in hearing from riders who do not use Bluff Creek about their impression of the park and what offerings they would like to see at the park. Your time in completing this survey is greatly appreciated. 

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* 1. Have you visited Bluff Creek OHV Park in the previous 12 months?

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* 2. If you do ride at Bluff Creek OHV Park, how many people are in your group?

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* 3. What months did you visit Bluff Creek OHV Park?

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* 4. What activities do you typically participate in at Bluff Creek OHV Park?

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* 5. Have you camped at Bluff Creek in the last 12 months? If yes, please tell us when and for how long. For example, overnight, all weekend, three or more days. 

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* 6. If you camp at Bluff Creek OHV Park, what services or facilities are most important to you?

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* 7. If you have camped at Bluff Creek, what improvements would you like to see to the services or facilities offered at the park?

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* 8. If you do not now or would like to camp at Bluff Creek OHV Park in the future, what services and facilities would be most important in your decision to use a camping area at the park?

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* 9. What improvements would you like to see to the motocross tracks at Bluff Creek OHV Park?

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* 10. What improvements would you like to see to the trail system at Bluff Creek OHV Park?

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* 11. What OHV do you ride the most?

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* 12. What do your family members ride the most?

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* 13. Please tell us which of the OHV parks in Iowa you use. Select as many as apply.

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* 14. Which OHV park do you and your family ride the most?

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* 15. How did you hear about Bluff Creek OHV Park?

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* 16. What information is most important to you when you prepare to visit Bluff Creek OHV Park?

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* 17. What information in general is most useful to you when planning a trip to one of the OHV parks in Iowa?

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* 18. What is your zip code?