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Black Creatives Aotearoa (BCA) is a community arts organisation dedicated to supporting creatives of African and Afro-Caribbean heritage in Aotearoa New Zealand.

You are receiving this survey as a creative organisation focused on supporting Black artists, and artists who identify as being part of the Black diaspora.

As we plan for the next period of our development, we are interested in understanding more about groups doing similar work to us, from across the globe.

All responses are confidential. Just press DONE when you have completed it and it will be aggregated with other responses.

We would appreciate if you could complete this survey by 5pm on Sunday 18 August 2024

Thank you in anticipation :)
Black Creatives Aotearoa

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* 1. What is the name of your organisation, and where are you based?

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* 2. what is your web address?

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* 3. If its not on your website what is the vision and/or purpose of your organisation?

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* 4. What is your work as an organisation focused on?

  Very Important Important We do this when we can We would like to do this but currently are unable to This is not part of what we see as our role
Promoting and advocating for creatives and their projects
Providing professional development opportunities
Presenting creative projects
Creating connections for creatives
Supporting sustainable careers
Providing funded opportunities for creatives

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* 5. How is your organisation structured?

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* 6. Tell us about a recent project that best demonstrates what you see as your role?

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* 7. Thinking about your answer to question 6. What made the difference with this project, what made it successful?

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* 8. In terms of revenue (cash and/or in kind), where does the majority of your funding support come from?

  Most important Important / regular Important / occasional Low level / frequent low level / occasional
Federal or State Government
Local Government
Philanthropic Trusts and individuals
Businesses and companies

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* 9. What are the three biggest challenges you face?

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* 10. How many paid people (full or part time) contribute to the work of the organisation?

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* 11. How many unpaid people (full or part time) regularly contribute to the work of the organisation?

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* 12. Do your work in partnership with other similar organisations?

If YES go to next question. If NO go to question 14)

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* 13. Tell us about a successful partnership and what it achieved.

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* 14. Do you measure impact?

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* 15. If you do measure impact, how do you do this?

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* 16. What types of data do you collect?

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* 17. Would you be interested in a creative connection with Black Creatives Aotearoa?

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* 18. Anything else you'd like to share with us?

0 of 18 answered