As part of the City of Bixby Zoning Code and Subdivision Code update, your valuable input is needed to help inform how the Codes will influence development in the city. This Visual Preference Survey is a tool designed to gather your input on preferences that can translate to updated requirements. The survey presents a series of images depicting various development scenarios for a series of topics.
By participating in the Visual Preference Survey, you play a pivotal role in how the city evolves and reflects the community’s collective vision and values. Your voice is essential in this collaborative effort to create a vibrant, desirable, and livable city with a high-standard quality of life for current and future generations. Your participation not only empowers you to help shape the visual character of Bixby but also ensures that the updated code aligns with the community's preferences and needs. Let's work together to continue to make Bixby a place we're all proud to call home!