Help MCMS Design Our Next Half-Day Seminar!

Please take two minutes to share your most significant challenges with MCMS. We will compile this information and offer sessions at the next half-day conference in response to the most significant challenges facing you and your colleagues.

Question Title

* 1. How significant are the following challenges to you and your medical practice this year?

  Significant Challenge or Concern Moderate Challenge or Concern Not a Significant Challenge or Concern N/A
Negotiating with Third-Party Payors
Physician/Practice Independence vs. Employment or Retirement
Recruiting Qualified Staff
Negotiating Leases for Office Space
Maintenance of Certification
Preparing for Reimbursement Models Which Place a Greater Share of Risk on the Practice
Potential of Continuing Health System Reform
Patients Dictating Healthcare & Patient Satisfaction
Balancing Personal & Professional Responsibilities
Legal Issues Surrounding Hiring & Firing of Employees
Getting Paid (Prior authorizations, claim denials, ICD-10, etc.)
Increasing Scope of Mid-Level Practitioners
Collecting from Self-Pay, High Deductible Health Plan or Health Savings Account Patients
Transition from Fee-for-Service to Value-Based Payment or Pay for Performance
Dealing with Rising Practice Operating Expenses
Technology Burdens, including Electronic Health Records & Interoperability Issues
Avoiding Practice & Professional Liability
Personal Financial Security - Declining Incomes
Recruiting Physicians
Payors Dictating Healthcare
Training, Managing & Retaining Quality Staff
Patient Compliance
Preparing for Retirement
Compliance with Increasing Regulations (HIPAA, OSHA, translator requirements, etc.)
Managing Practice Finances - Increasing Operational Expenses & Decreasing Third-Party Payments
Lack of Physician Engagement in Employed Settings
Developing an Effective Employee Policy Manual & Implementing Policies Fairly
Staying Motivated to Practice Medicine - Professional Burnout

Question Title

* 2. Please note any potential speakers and their organizations for sessions which may address the most significant challenges you noted above: