Question Title

* 1. How satisfied were you with the overall service received from us?

  Extremely satisfied Satisfied Not satisfied Unsure
Please choose one option

Question Title

* 2. In general, how satisfied were you with the service you received from Beverley Morris & Co. in relation to:

  Extremely satisfied Satisfied Not satisfied Unsure
Friendliness of our reception and secretarial staff
Ability to contact us by telephone and/or email
Location and ease of access to our offices
Timeliness in responding to telephone, emails and letters
The turn-around time on your matter
Clarity of written communication
Quality of legal advice

Question Title

* 3. Having received your bill for legal fees and disbursements:

  Yes No
Was your bill the same as the price estimated?
Do you think the service we offer is value for money?

Question Title

* 4. What could we do to improve the service you received from us?

Question Title

* 5. Would you recommend our firm to your friends and family?

  Yes No

Question Title

* 6. Was this a conveyancing matter?

  Yes No
It would be useful for us if you would complete the details below but understand if you would prefer to remain anonymous.

Question Title

* 8. Your name:

Question Title

* 9. Client reference number:

Question Title

* 10. Today's date:
