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The Brandywine Conservancy, along with its partners, the Stroud Water Research Center and Brandywine Red Clay Alliance, are undertaking a Watershed Conservation Plan for Bennett's Run.  A Watershed Conservation Plan assesses current physical and environmental conditions in the watershed and provides recommendations and strategies to meet a set of mutually agreed upon goals and objectives that enhance the watershed, its resources, and the lives of those who reside there.  

The purpose of this survey is to gain insights into the issues that concern watershed landowners and how these may be addressed through this planning effort.  You are being asked to participate in the survey as an owner of land within the Watershed. 

The survey is confidential (nothing identifying an individual with a specific response or comment will be published in any draft or final report), but if you are interested in continuing to follow the project an opportunity to provide your email address is provided at the end of the survey.

Question Title

Bennett's Run Watershed. 

A watershed is an area of land that captures rain or snowmelt and channels this water into a common stream, river, marsh or lake.

<strong>Bennett's Run Watershed.</strong>  <br><br>A watershed is an area of land that captures rain or snowmelt and channels this water into a common stream, river, marsh or lake.

Question Title

* 1. Before seeing this map, did you know your property is in the Bennett's Run Watershed (see map above)?

Question Title

* 2. How long have you and/or your family lived in Bennett's Run Watershed?

Question Title

* 3. Does your property contain a (mark all that apply)...

Question Title

* 4. When you think of your community, what geographic area primarily comes to mind?

Question Title

* 5. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don't know.
Water pollution can affect human health.
Conservation practices contribute to quality of life in my community.
Conservation practices protect aquatic life.
Water resources in my community are adequately protected.

Question Title

* 6. How familiar are you with the water resources (streams, rivers, ponds, wetlands) in the Bennett's Run watershed?

Question Title

* 7. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree
It is my responsibility to make sure that what I do on my land doesn't contribute to water pollution.
Landowners/property owners in my community should be responsible for protecting water quality.
The federal government should be responsible for protecting water quality.
The state government should be responsible for protecting water quality.
Local government should be responsible for protecting water quality.
Landowners upstream should be responsible for impacts downstream.
Stream side landowners should be responsible for protecting water quality.

Question Title

* 8. In your opinion, to what extent do you feel the following are concerns in your watershed?

  Not a problem Slight problem Moderate problem Severe problem Don't know
Water pollution
Invasive plants
Loss of land and habitat to development
Soil loss (erosion)
Climate Change
Other (please specify below)

Question Title

* 9. Please identify which conservation practices you currently employ on your property.

  Yes No Not Applicable
I maintain a buffer of trees along streams on my property.
I use a rain barrel on my property.
I have installed a rain garden on my property.
I do not apply synthetic lawn care products on my property.
I follow manufacturer's instructions and do not over-apply when using chemical lawn care and garden products.
I try to minimize the area of my lawn (leave areas unmowed, replace grass with native plants).
I properly maintain my septic system (regular pumping).
I try to minimize my use of ice melting products in the winter.

Question Title

* 10. If you wanted to learn more about the actions you could take to protect water resources in Bennett's Run, who would you contact or where would you go to find more information?

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* 11. Would you be interested in learning more about ways in which you can implement conservation practices on your property that might help protect water quality in Bennett's Run?

Question Title

* 12. I would implement more conservation practices on my property if (check all that apply):

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* 13. Are you a member of any of the following organizations (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 14. Would you be interested in joining a Friends of Bennett's Run Watershed organization if one were created?  If so, please provide your name and email below.

Question Title

* 15. Please let us know about any additional comments you may have about environmental issues, conservation practices, water resources, or other issues within your watershed?

Question Title

* 16. Do you own or rent your property

Question Title

* 17. If you are interested in continuing to follow the project and be informed of future public meetings or opportunities to engage, please provide your email address below.  Providing your full mailing address is optional, but providing it will give the planning team a sense of the geographic spread of survey respondents within the watershed.

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