Survey Information

This survey has been compiled following analysis of the opinions, feedback, and additional information and ideas submitted during the first phase of this engagement.

Students, parents and whānau, and staff of Belfast School, as well as members of the wider Belfast community took part in workshops in this first phase. The feedback and discussion from these workshops has been analysed and the common themes compiled into this survey, which asks you to express your opinion on two different options for Belfast School:

Option 1: That Belfast School remain on its current site and carry on as usual.

Option 2: That Belfast School establish a junior campus on its current site and a senior campus on a new site in West Belfast.

It will also ask you to express your opinions on some potential advantages and disadvantages of both options.

You may not wish to respond to all of the questions, and you are not required to do so in order to take part. More information about the background to this process, and how a junior and senior campus model could operate is explained in the short video on the Belfast School website:

If you did not attend a face-to-face workshop, please watch this video prior to completing the survey.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact Gabrielle Wall on 0274 790 441or via e-mail at

Once again, thank you for your time and input into this important process.