Belfast Active Transportation & Accessibility Plan Survey

1.Do you live in the City of Belfast?
2.If you live in Belfast, do you:
3.What is your primary mode of daily transportation?
4.Other than your primary mode of daily transportation, what is the most frequent way that you get around Belfast?
5.For what reasons other than transportation do you engage with active transportation? (Check all that apply)
6.When you do walk, bike, or roll, what is your most frequent destination?
7.Please select the three biggest barriers that limit safe and convenient active transportation in Belfast.
8.If conditions were more favorable for you, what mode of transportation/recreation would you most like to use/engage with more frequently?
9.While the Active Transportation and Accessibility Plan will include recommendations for all of the below, please select your top three priorities.
10.Please share any additional thoughts, feedback, or priorities that you’d like the planning team to consider.