Battery Daddy Smart Customer Satisfaction Survey Thank you for your purchase of Battery Daddy SmartTM! Please answer the short survey below to let us know what you think! Question Title Question Title * 1. How would you rate Battery Daddy SmartTM on a scale of 1 to 5 stars? (1 = bad, 5 = love it) Question Title * 2. How would you improve Battery Daddy SmartTM to make it a 5 star rating? Question Title * 3. Do you feel Battery Daddy SmartTM is a good value for the price? Not At All Yes, Definitely Not At All Yes, Definitely Question Title * 4. How likely are you to recommend the Battery Daddy SmartTM to a Friend or Family Member? Not Likely Extremely Likely Not Likely Extremely Likely Question Title * 5. How easy did you find Battery Daddy SmartTM to use on a scale of 1 to 5?(1=bad, 5=love it) Question Title * 6. How satisfied are you with the Battery Daddy SmartTM battery tester performance on a scale of 1 to 5? (1=bad, 5=love it) Question Title * 7. How satisfied are you with the size of the Battery Daddy SmartTM on a scaleof 1 to 5? (1=bad, 5=love it) Question Title * 8. How satisfied are you with the capacity of the Battery Daddy SmartTM on ascale of 1 to 5? (1=bad, 5=love it) Question Title * 9. How satisfied are you with the size and shape of the Battery Daddy SmartTM on a scale of 1 to 5? (1=bad, 5=love it) Question Title * 10. Which new color do you prefer? 3 White 3 Pink 3 Gray 3 Yellow Green 3 Blue Green 3 Blue 3 Yellow 3 Black Question Title * 11. Which feature do you like BEST about the Battery Daddy SmartTM? Built-in tester to instantly test battery life Double-sided Store and organize all your batteries Carrying handle - easily take batteries anywhere Sleek & compact - fits easily into drawers No more digging through junk drawers Batteries are separated so they don't drain power See-through panels Stores & organizes 150 batteries Holds 58 AAs, 68 AAAs, 4 9-Volts, 8 Cs, 8 Ds, & 8 Coin Cells Security latches - batteries stay In place Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. How much did you fill the Battery Daddy SmartTM with batteries? I didn't fill it yet 100% 75% 50% 25% Question Title * 13. Did you purchase new batteries at the same time you purchasedBattery Daddy SmartTM? No Yes I didn't purchase it - it was given to me Question Title * 14. If Battery Daddy SmartTM was sold in your favorite store right next to newbatteries, how likely would you have been to purchase batteries at the same time with your Battery Daddy? Likely Unlikely Question Title * 15. Where in your home do you keep Battery Daddy SmartTM? (Please checkall that apply.) Living room Dining room Bedroom Home office Remote office Kitchen Home gym area Den Basement Attic Boat RV Car Trunk Garage Shed Laundry Room Closet Spare Room Cabin Game Room Other (please specify) Question Title * 16. At which store did you purchase Battery Daddy SmartTM? Bed Bath & Beyond Walgreens Dollar General Sam's Club Home Depot Amazon Best Buy Kroger Kohl's Walmart BJ's Target Lowes Tractor Supply Costco CVS Menards I didn't purchase one - mine was given to me Other (please specify) Question Title Question Title * 17. Does the retail packaging above properly explain the features and benefits of the Battery Daddy SmartTM? Yes No and this is why: Question Title * 18. Did the instructions included in the packaging properly explain how to use the Battery Daddy SmartTM? Yes No and this is why: Question Title * 19. Were there any issues while unboxing your Battery Daddy SmartTM? No Yes and this was my issue: Question Title * 20. Please share with us any other feedback you have on the Battery Daddy SmartTM. Question Title * 21. What is your Gender? Male Female Question Title * 22. What is your age group? under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Next