Take the survey by Friday, July 27 !

The Town of Barre needs your input.

A wind energy project with up to 47 utility-scale turbines has been proposed in our Town. Called Heritage Wind, this project is currently being reviewed under “Article 10,” a review process led by the New York State Public Service Commission for large electricity generation facilities.

Unlike other projects, the Town Board has no authority to approve or disapprove the Heritage Wind project, because it falls under the Article 10 process. That decision-making power lies solely with the Public Service Commission "Siting Board" composed of State officials and appointed community members. The Article 10 process also coordinates the environmental impact analysis -- leaving the Town with little direct control over the environmental review process, unlike the familiar procedure of State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR).

The Town will contribute to the Article 10 evaluation of the wind project by identifying unique or vulnerable environmental resources that require special attention in our community. The Town can also request additional information or improvements to the studies planned by the wind developer to address our most pressing concerns.

This survey seeks to collect the Town residents' valuable local knowledge and concerns. Your survey response will help the Town and its consultants understand and represent our community's interests under the Article 10 process.

A community forum will be held at the Town Hall (14317 West Barre Road) on Wednesday, July 18, at 6pm. Residents can answer this survey either before or after the community forum, with a final deadline of Friday, July 27.

For more details about the project, the easiest document to review is the Preliminary Scoping Statement (PSS) which includes descriptive information and maps. Paper copies of the PSS are available at the Town Hall (14317 West Barre Road). They can also be accessed online on the developer's website.

The developer's response to comments made on the PSS ("Heritage Wind, LLC Response to Comments") can be found at the Town Hall (14317 West Barre Road) or on the NYS Department of Public Service online database.

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