This survey is being conducted by the Billie Holiday Project for Liberation Arts, in collaboration with the Sheridan Libraries, at Johns Hopkins University. Our aims in gathering current data about Africana collections and cultural programs in the Baltimore area are:
  • to share information with other Baltimore-area organizations, as well as Africana arts and culture workers and supporters, in Baltimore and beyond.
  • to assist with planning coordinated activities among organizations that are involved in the collecting, presenting, and preserving of Africana cultural heritage materials and programs.
  • to establish a benchmark that we may use in future years, for the sake of comparison.
Defining our terms

For the purposes of this survey…
  • "Africana" describes the peoples and cultures of the African diaspora, including people who identify as African American, Afro Caribbean, and African.
  • "collections" describes works of art, cultural artifacts, historic artifacts, printed and manuscript materials, digital files, oral history interviews, audio and video recordings, and other artistic, historic, and/or cultural materials that are made available to researchers, students, and/or audiences.
  • "cultural programs" describes arts, humanities, history, and/or cultural presentations, activities, and educational opportunities.
Personal information and community ethic

We are not collecting personal information in this survey, or information that will make survey respondents individually identifiable. We will not share the individual surveys. When we share responses, we will group sets of responses and quote from responses anonymously. While your individual responses might make you identifiable due to the small sample size at any one organization, nobody but the data collectors will have access to that information.

Nevertheless, this survey relies on your frank responses to questions about collections and programs at organization(s) where you are employed as a staff member, with which you have interacted, or with which you are familiar as a community member. This survey is intended to help us better know each other as a community of Africana arts and culture workers and supporters, and we hope to foster a spirit of open sharing with each other.

By participating in this survey, you agree to let us quote you anonymously.