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* 1. Do you identify as...

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* 2. Which age group are you in?

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* 3. When did you attend a screening of Backtrack Boys?


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* 4. Which Screening did you attend (Venue, Town, State)?

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* 5. Has the film increased your awareness of experiences for young people who are having a hard time? Please rate

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* 6. Has the film increased your awareness of experiences for young people who are encountering the justice system and juvenile detention? Please rate

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* 7. Has the film changed your thinking in any way about the experience of young people who are having a hard time? Please rate

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* 8. Do you think you are likely to do any of the following after seeing this film?

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* 9. Do you want to see youth programs in your community take on a whole-of-community approach like the BackTrack program?

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* 10. Did you know about the BackTrack program before seeing the film?

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* 11. We’d love to stay in touch! Please let us know if you would like us to contact you (optional):

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* 12. Please leave us your details below and we will be in touch shortly (optional)

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* 13. Please share any other comments you have below: