Welcome to the 10DLC SMS Messaging Registration Form

Your firm has been identified as an IntelePeer Application to Peer SMS Messaging customer that is impacted by the new 10DLC SMS Mobile Carrier policy, which takes effect on March 1st, 2022.  The policy mandates that all US-based businesses utilizing a software application to send SMS messages via a 10-digit long code number (10DLC) must register their company, brands, and messaging campaigns with The Campaign Registry (TCR).

To simplify this process for you, IntelePeer has created this online form to capture the information needed to register with TCR. 

It’s important to note that if your company does not provide this necessary information to IntelePeer by February 15th, 2022, so we can register it with The Campaign Registry on your behalf, messages sent via non-registered codes may be blocked and you could be charged a fee of $10 per message by some carriers.