Please help us to grow and change by sharing your opinions with us.

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* 1. My child's (children's) grade(s):

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* 2. In my experience, Friends School of Portland is living its mission:
Friends School of Portland challenges and empowers students to develop their intellectual, physical, emotional, creative and spiritual potential. We honor our students’ natural gifts as they learn to enter the world with confidence, competence, joy and a sense of purpose. We are guided by the Quaker values of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, stewardship, and truth.

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* 3. My child is well-supported academically.

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* 4. My child is well-supported socially and emotionally.

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* 5. I am well informed about my child's progress and what is happening at school.

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* 6. I feel that there are avenues (my child's teacher, an administrator, etc.) to communicate my concerns or questions.

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* 7. I am able to attend school events that are of interest to me (student presentations, Parenting for Peace speakers, Parent Coffees, concerts, etc.).

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* 8. The Aftercare program works for my child and my family.

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* 9. I have a clear idea of how FSP will be growing in the next 5 years.

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* 10. If you could change ONE THING about your child's experience at FSP, what would it be? What is one thing about FSP that should never change?