A Balanced Check Preop and Education   5-2023

Pre op Education 2/20

1.Because I didn't have any education, knowing I needed to have an amputation made me feel like I had nothing to look forward to.

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=Often
2.Knowing I needed to have an amputation made me helpless and hopeless.  Without education about life after amputation I couldn't see how I could get back to activities that brought meaning to my life.

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=Often
3.Before my amputation I had no one to talk to, or educate me on what would happen post surgery.

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=Often
4.Education before my amputation would have helped my family and I  plan for being successful, and know what to expect, when I came home from the hospital/rehab.  

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=Often
5.Knowing I was facing amputation, I felt that I was to blame for needing to have it

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=The most
6.Knowing I needed to have an amputation made me withdraw from other people

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=The most
7.It would have helped my friends and family cope with, and adjust to my amputation if there had been education available.