What practical help is needed for those who have ME/CFS/FM

The Rest Assured Respite Charitable Trust is a recently formed organisation whose vision is to provide a respite care facility for, but not limited to, the suffers of ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.
The facility will provide specialized short and longer term residential care for suffers, allowing them access to a place of sanctuary & rest with staff who understand the true nature of the illness. The trust will strive to provide professional, non-judgemental care in an environment best suited to bring about improvement to the lives of suffers, their carers & families.
To allow us to build up a fuller picture we are looking at the needs those with these illness.
Each survey will use the same set of questions at the beginning to obtain relevant information such as the conditions represented, age of participant, location etc.

By participating in this survey you will be providing:
1. A valuable resource that can be used to determine/assess the needs of those with ME/CFS/FM in the community.
2. Information which can be used to show if these needs are relevant to few or many.
3. NZ based information on these issues.
4. A point of reference when we make funding applications.

Question Title

* 1. Have you been diagnosed by a medical professional with any of the following?
Are you completing this survey for yourself or another?
Please tick all that apply.

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* 2. How many years have you had ME/CFS or Fibromyalgia?
Please tick one.

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* 3. How would you best rate and describe the severity of your illness?
0% being totally bedbound/severely disabled - to 100% which is being completely well?
Please tick one (this link will give you an ability scale which will help you determine your level more accurately ME CFS Ability_Scale

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* 4. What are your most common symptoms? Tick all that apply

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* 5. What are your most pressing needs?  
Please tick whatever applies and use text box for additional answers.

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* 6. Please tick your age range.

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* 7. One need we think we have identified is the need for meals. One idea is to make simple, nutritious, low cost soups and stews for the freezer. These soups and stews would come ready to freeze, or frozen and would be thaw, heat and eat. They will be prepared in a commercial kitchen by a skilled chef. 
To gauge the need for this would you mind answering the questions below.

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* 8. If you did use meals could you afford to pay for them?

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* 9. If you did need meals could you arrange pick up from a central collection point?

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* 10.
1. How long did you have symptoms of ME/CFS/FM before you were diagnosed? 
2. How many doctors/specialists did you visit before you got a diagnosis? 
Do you have any extra comments on the questions above or suggestions for other services/assistance/help you need?