About the Survey

Question Title


Question Title

Before You Begin -- Information About the Survey
1. About the Survey:

This survey is being carried out by Erie Together and Career Street, in cooperation with parochial, public, and private schools in Erie County. Erie Together is a countywide collective impact movement to make the Erie region a community of opportunity 
where everyone can learn, work and thrive.

The results of this survey will only be presented to the general public at the county-wide level. No individual, school or district information will be shared with the general public at any time. Each school district will receive a report for its school(s). Individual student reports are not available.

Erie Together and Career Street thank you for sharing your honest thoughts on this survey and wish you the very best in your career planning.

2. Instructions:

A. Your responses will be kept confidential. No personally identifying information is being collected--your identify will always remain anonymous.

B. There are four sections to this survey and a total of 84 "I Statements." Each statement looks at how you make your career plans.

C. Each statement requires you to make a 'Yes' or 'No' response or check a box from a list of options.

D. The survey should take you between 10 and 15 minutes to finish.

Please begin with the first section, About Me and My School.