NC Center for Nonprofits Legislative Advocacy Interest Survey

1.First name(Required.)
2.Last name(Required.)
3.Organization name(Required.)
4.In what COUNTY is your organization based?

For example, if you're based in Wilmington, please enter New Hanover; if you're based in Mocksville, please enter Davie.
5.Please rate your interest in helping to advocate for passage of state bills to accomplish the following goals:
For more information about these proposals, click on the links.
Interest level
6.(Optional) Please share one or more anecdotes illustrating why passage of any of these state bills would help your nonprofit.
7.How well do you know your state Senator and/or Representative (or other state legislators, even if you don't live in their districts)
Choose the option that is the closest fit or write your own in "Other".
8.Please share the names of any legislators you just indicated that you know personally.
9.What is the best email address for us to send you a follow up?
10.If we can't reach you by email, what phone number may we use to follow up?
Tpyos happen! :-) Providing a phone number ensures we have another way to reach back to you.
11.If you have any further comments, you can use the space below!
Thank you so much for taking this survey!