Question Title

* 1. I am seeking information for:

Question Title

* 2. If seeking information for a child, what is there age:

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the change in your level of knowledge AFTER viewing the information on the website. My level of knowledge:

  Stayed the same. Increased a little bit. Increased quite a bit. Increased a lot. N/A I didn't review information about this topic.
What AD/HD is and what it is not
Treatment options for ADHD
Assistive technology for AD/HD
Behavior management strategies
ADHD and health (sleep, exercise, nutrition)
Navigating the school & health system

Question Title

* 4. Did the information help you to make changes in the way you approach your child with ADHD? If yes, what changes did you make?

Question Title

* 5. What information was missing from the website?

Question Title

* 6. Comments or questions?