We have identified a need for OMOP training in a UK context. To better understand the specifics of what is required we have developed a brief survey.

We would value your input as a key stakeholder in to how we can best meet that training need. We are keen to complement what training already exists and to avoid overlap. We would also be delighted to partner with others to achieve this goal. One of our key principles is to signpost to other training providers where training already exists and we would appreciate your input on this.

We would be very grateful if you would take a few minutes to complete the following survey. Your input is crucial in shaping our training initiatives.

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* 1. Please state your name

We wish to understand where there is the greatest need for OMOP training. In the boxes below, please provide any suggestions you have for the most important training objectives, audiences (e.g. researchers, analysts, data custodians etc), levels (e.g. no prior experience, some prior experience, experienced) and sectors (e.g. NHS, industry, academia) requiring training. Five boxes have been provided, if you have additional suggestions please provide these in the comments box.

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* 2. Training priority 1

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* 3. Training priority 2

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* 4. Training priority 3

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* 5. Training priority 4

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* 6. Training priority 5

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* 7. Please provide any additional suggestions for OMOP training here.

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* 8. Would a set of free, self-directed online resources on OMOP basics be useful?

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* 9. Rank the following modes of training delivery, from most to least desired.

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* 10. Please add any additional comments on training formats here. 

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* 11. Do you know where other OMOP training exists? Please briefly describe and provide links if possible (e.g. EHDEN Academy and OHDSI).

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* 12. Finally, if you have any additional comments or suggestions on OMOP training, please provide here.