Modesto Cannabis Equity Assessment Survey

The City of Modesto (COM) has started a Cannabis Equity
Assessment effort to gather data on the people and neighborhoods
disproportionately marginalized by prior cannabis criminalization
policies. Responses to this survey will help the COM to develop a
social equity program designed to remove barriers to entry into the
legal cannabis business for people who were negatively impacted by
convictions or arrests during the War on Drugs.

Please note:
*A family member includes the following individuals:
·       Spouse
·       Registered domestic partner
·       Parent
·       Child, which includes an adult child and the child of registered domestic partner
·       Grandparent
·       Grandchild
·       Sibling
**Cannabis crimes include:
·       Sale
·       Possession
·       Use
·       Manufacture
·       Cultivation

Question Title

1. Did you reside in the City of Modesto (COM) between the years
1980 and 2016? (If your answer is “No,” thank you for your interest, and the survey ends here. If your answer is “Yes,” please continue.)

50% of survey complete.