Volunteer Hours Tracking Form |
Project 1000 - We are IAC Strong in Service!
We came, we VOLUNTEERED, and we conquered and it’s time to do it again Sorors. This year the stakes are higher! Last year, we hit our 500 hour goal with ease. This year we are doubling our efforts with the intent to double our impact.
Our organizational footprint is grounded in Sisterhood, Scholarship, Social Action, and SERVICE! Every great Delta finds time to serve her community and give back through volunteerism. Financial AND non-financial Sorors are welcome to participate.
If you contributed to our Project 500 community service efforts last year, THANK YOU. If you didn’t have an opportunity to volunteer with us last year, we encourage and implore you to join us! We need every single Soror to GIVE BACK!
We will provide plenty of options for you to serve. You can find volunteer opportunities in our chapter GroupMe via the IAC Volunteer Opportunities channel, here on our chapter website, and chapter email.
Don’t forget to track every hour that you volunteer by logging and capturing your efforts via our Volunteer Hours Tracking Form, located at the bottom of this screen.
The volunteer tracking form will allow you to record your name, volunteer event, and service hours. Please complete the form for each separate community service volunteer activity that you do/have done. Every minute you serve with our chapter counts so please log everything. Past volunteer service activities starting August 2024 can be counted and should be included as well.
It’s time to DOUBLE DOWN Sorors!