Attendee Feedback

Thank you for joining us for the BSA Open House! We hope you had an engaging and exciting evening. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts and feedback on the event, these insights will be immensely helpful to us as we reflect and plan for future similar community sessions. 

Question Title

* 1. How did you find out about the Open House?

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* 2. Are you interested in getting involved with one or more of the initiatives in one of the following ways?

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* 3. Please select which of the initiatives you are interested in:

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* 4. Please elaborate on what interests you about this proposal(s) and how you envision being involved: 

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* 5. Please provide some general feedback on your experience at the Open House (for example, anything that surprised you, that you enjoyed, suggestions of things to change for next time)

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* 6. Did you attend as a....

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* 7. Have you attended a BSA event or been involved with the BSA in the past? Please check all that apply. 

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* 8. I consent to being:

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* 9. Full Name (optional)

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* 10. Email (optional)