A Balanced Check --Right after surgery        5-2023

1.Right after my amputation, I felt worried about my quality of life would be 

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=Often
2.Right after my amputation, I avoided public places or activities.

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=Often
3.Right after my amputation, I found it hard to focus on anything other than my anxiety.

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=Often
4.Right after my amputation, I worried about other people's reactions to me.

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=often
5.Right after my amputation, I felt detached from other people.

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=Often
6.Right after my amputation, I felt isolated and alone.

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=Often
7.Right after my amputation, I felt like people avoided spending time with me because they didn't know what to expect.

Please score your response with 0=Not at all and 10=Often