Rooted in Play: The Power of Place

Conference Sessions

Please sign-up in advance for the conference sessions you wish to attend. This will allow us to plan effectively for rooms and materials needed for sessions. While all meals are included in conference registration, please check the meals that you plan to eat during the conference.

The registration link for the conference and lodging is on the conference web page: Conference registration will close on May 15th.
1.What is your last and first name?
2.What is your email address?
3.Are you attending the conference for all three days or just one day?(Required.)
4.Thursday, June 1, 2023 Afternoon and Evening Activities
5.Friday, June 2 Morning Activities (select one of the workshops in red font)
6.Friday, June 2 Afternoon Workshops 1:00-4:00 (select one)
7.Friday, June 2 Recreation Activities 4:30-6:00 (check two preferences)
8.Friday, June 2 Evening Activities
9.Saturday, June 3 Morning Activities (select one in RED)
10.Saturday, June 3  Afternoon Workshops (select one in Red)