SIAM Industry Highlights Submission Portal

The SIAM Industry Committee is dedicated to facilitating the sharing of impactful industry-related work within the mathematical sciences community. As part of this initiative, SIAM will continuously curate online highlights for industry-related papers and presentations from all communities including industry, labs, government, and non-profit. We extend an invitation for contributions by providing links to the content along with a brief summary. These highlights will be featured on the Industry tab of the SIAM website, amplifying the visibility of noteworthy industry-related work. Your collaboration is highly valued, and we ask that you complete this brief questionnaire for each potential highlight. Thank you for your participation in advancing the recognition of impactful industry-related work in our field.
1.Full name of person submitting highlight(Required.)
2.Organization of person submitting highlight(Required.)
3.Email address of person submitting highlight(Required.)
4.Title of submission(Required.)
5.Authors/affiliations (e.g., Jane Smith/Organization1, Joe Brown/Organization2)(Required.)
6.Year published(Required.)
7.Nature of work(Required.)
8.Brief description of methods and results (1-3 sentences)(Required.)
9.1-5 keywords(Required.)
10.One relevant URL/URI (e.g., DOI, arXiv reference, GitHub repo ID, press release, conference website)(Required.)
11.Optional: Impact including potential of the work (1-2 sentences)