Fiscal Year 2023 Community Support Services (CSS) Consumer Satisfaction Survey

Dear Consumer:
The purpose of this survey is to find out what you think about CODI services.  Please complete the survey below and return in the envelope provided.  You may also complete the survey online at under “Online Surveys.”  Select “FY 2023 CSS Satisfaction Survey” and follow the prompts.  This survey is anonymous, but you may include your name if you wish.  If you have any questions, please call Paul D’Acunto, Quality Improvement Specialist at 609-965-6871.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
Linda Carney                                   
President / CEO      

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* 1. Staff is helpful, friendly, and polite.

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* 2. I feel comfortable expressing my opinions and sharing input with staff.

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* 3. There are several different ways to offer feedback about the programs including suggestion box, satisfaction survey, house meeting, and website.

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* 4. Using the phone system to contact staff was simple and current with common technology standards.

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* 5. Searching the website for location, contact information, services available, hours of operation, or performance outcome measures was easily accessible.

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* 6. Using person-centered planning, I am actively involved in developing my treatment plan.

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* 7. Staff helps me work on my treatment plan goals.

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* 8. Staff is sensitive to my cultural and/or religious beliefs and practices.

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* 9. I understand my rights including the grievance procedure.

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* 10. My quality of life has improved since being in the program.

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* 11. The program meets my needs.

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* 12. I am more independent now than before coming to CODI.

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* 13. I would recommend the program to others.

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* 14. Please rate overall quality of services.

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* 15. What do we do best?

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* 16. What can we improve?