Question Title

* 1. We're going to show you a series of statements regarding the Omicron surge. For each statement, please tell us whether you strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, or strongly agree.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
This past week, there was adequate staffing to keep students and staff safe at my school.
This past week, students' mental health needs were met.
This past week, students’ instructional needs were met.
The District and City are doing enough to reduce the risk of COVID spread in schools.
The State is doing enough to reduce the risk of COVID spread in schools.
BPS is communicating information to me in an accurate and timely manner.
Schools should pivot to a period of remote learning until the current wave of infections abates.

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* 2. What measures would you like the BTU to advocate for right now to improve safety and learning in schools?

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* 3. What collective actions would you be willing to take with your union right now?

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* 4. What could the larger community do right now to show solidarity and appreciation for educators in schools?

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* 5. BPS identification number (Used only to validate BTU membership. Your answers are anonymous):