2020 BTA Events: Exhibitor Sign-up Form

All exhibit space is available on a first-come, first-served basis to BTA vendor members ONLY. Please sign-up in the order of preference for your first, second and etc. choice. Because there is a limited number of exhibit spaces at each event, you may sign up for up to three events and be placed on a waiting list for a fourth and/or fifth event.  

Each event will provide Premium Sponsorship upgrade opportunities for those wanting to secure special sponsorship opportunities such as sponsorship of a cocktail reception, breakfast, lunch, breaks, an evening at the ballpark or another special networking event with each including a 5-minute speaking opportunity. Please select the level of sponsorship that you desire for each individual event selected.

Spring Break:
Closing Night Special Activity: $8,500 (ONLY ONE)
Cocktail Reception Sponsorship: $7,000 (ONLY ONE)
Base Level: $3,000

National Conference:
All premium levels are sold
Base Level:  $3,000

Capture the Magic:
Featured Speaker: $6,000 (ONLY ONE)
Keynote Sponsorship: $6,000 (ONLY ONE) 
Base Level:  $3,000

Grand Slam:  
Featured Speaker: $6,000 (ONLY ONE)
Base Level:  $3,000

Fall Colors:
Cocktail Reception Sponsorship: $7,000 (ONLY ONE)
Breakfast Sponsorship: $5,000 (ONLY ONE)
Base Level: $3,000

Question Title

* 1st Event:  Please select your first choice event for 2020.

8% of survey complete.