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Summit County, Department of Community and Economic Development is seeking citizen input regarding community needs. The County is working to develop the 2023 Annual Action Plan. The Annual Actin Plan identifies goals and budget for activities funded through the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) utilizing Community Block Grant funds, HOME Investment Partnership funds, and Emergency Solutions Grant Program funds.
All responses will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used to help County staff determine how to best utilize HUD funding in the community.

Question Title

* 1. What do you think are the most significant needs or issues facing your neighborhood? (Note: Public Improvements include infrastructure improvements, development of public facilities such as schools and libraries, development of facilities for individuals with disabilities, and architectural aesthetic improvements) *Please rank from 1-6, with 1 being the most important, and 6 being the least important.

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* 2. What are the most significant needs or issues facing you and your household? *Please rank from 1-6, with 1 being the most important, and 6 being the least important.

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* 3. What are the significant needs or Issues facing Veterans in your community?

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* 4. Do you believe housing in your neighborhood is affordable?

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* 5. Are there sufficient services for low income residents in the community?

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* 6. What services, if any, should be provided that are not currently available?

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* 7. What asset are you most proud of in your community?

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* 8. What infrastructure improvements, if any, are needed in your neighborhood?

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* 9. Do you rent or own your primary residence?

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* 10. Are you aware of local programs to help homeowners pay for home repairs?

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* 11. HUD funds can be used for a variety of housing and community development related projects. Please rank the below projects from most to least important, with 1 being the most, and 8 being the least.

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* 12. Housing- please rate the importance of the following issues: Minor Home Repair 

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* 13. Housing- please rate the importance of the following issues: Major Housing Rehabilitation

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* 14. Housing- please rate the importance of the following issues: Emergency Home Repair

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* 15. Housing- please rate the importance of the following issues: Homeownership Assistance

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* 16. Housing- please rate the importance of the following issues: Minor ADA Home Modifications

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* 17. Housing- please rate the importance of the following issues: Veterans Assistance

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* 18. Please rate the following rental housing needs in Summit County. Rank the below projects from most to least important, with 1 being the most, and 5 being the least.

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* 19. HUD funds can be used for a variety of public/social services, activities, or related projects. Please rank the below projects from most to least important, with 1 being the most, and 8 being the least.

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* 20. Economic Development- Please rate the importance of the following projects: Small Business Loans to New and Existing Businesses

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* 21. Economic Development- Please rate the importance of the following projects: Technical Assistance to Businesses

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* 22. Economic Development- Please rate the importance of the following projects: Job Training and Placement

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* 23. Economic Development- Please rate the importance of the following projects: Micro-Enterprise Development

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* 24. Economic Development- Please rate the importance of the following projects: Neighborhood Facade Improvements

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* 25. Digital Equity- Do you feel that your community has adequate access to internet service?

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* 26. Of the following, please choose your current internet service provider

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* 27. Of the following options, how much, on average, do you spend on internet monthly?

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* 28. How do you access the internet?

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