S.T.Y.L.E. Mentor Interest Survey Form

Please complete all the following. This survey will help S.T.Y.L.E  Mentoring Program know more about you and your interests and help us find a good match for you. 
1.What are the most convenient times for you to meet with your mentee? Please check all that apply. 
2.Please indicate the age group(s) you are interested in working with: 
3.Please indicate the ethnicity you are interested in working with.
4.Do you speak any languages other than English? If so, which languages? 
5.Would you be willing to work with a child who has disabilities? If so, please specify the disabilities you would be willing to work with.
6.What are some favorite things you like to do with other people? 
7.What are your favorite subjects to read about?  
8.What is your job and how did you choose this field?
9.What is one goal you have set for the future? 
10.If you could learn something new, what would it be?
11.What person do you most admire and why? 
12.Describe your ideal Saturday.
13.Please check all activities you are interested in: