The Standards for Excellence Institute is pleased to award three scholarships covering half of the member or the non-member rate for the 2020 Licensed Consultant Training Program on November 16-18, 2020 in Baltimore, Maryland.  Awards are not transferable. Awards cannot be combined with other special offers and staff members of replication partners are not eligible for this program.   

Scholarships are open to any accepted applicant to the 2020 License Consultant Training Program.  Please complete all sections of this application. All applications must be submitted online by August 7, 2020.  Scholarship recipients will be informed by phone or email by September 1, 2020.   

Applications will be reviewed and selected by a panel of current Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultants and Standards for Excellence Institute staff.  All names will be removed from applications during the selection process. (Please be sure not to include references to your name in the sections of the application beyond the name field).  Preference will be given to applicants who serve small nonprofits or work with vulnerable populations. 

Please contact Rachel Mygatt,, with any questions.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Describe your experience working with nonprofit organizations, including any leadership positions held, and how are you currently involved in the nonprofit sector?

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* 3. As a part of the Licensed Consultant program, we imagine an equitable program that welcomes and values attendees from various backgrounds and across racial and ethnic groups.  How would you/your organization contribute to this objective?  Which populations, groups and individuals do you or your organization serve?  How might you share your unique voice, experience, background and ideas to create a rich experience with the Licensed Consultant class? 

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* 4. Why do you wish to participate in this training?  How and with whom will you put this training to use?

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* 5. Please provide any additional information that you feel is relevant to our decision. (Optional)