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Instructions: Select the number that best describes you in each situation using the following scale: 1=Very inaccurate, or does not apply, 2=Inaccurate, 3=Neither accurate nor inaccurate, 4=Accurate, 5=Very accurate

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* 1. Good listener

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* 2. Put up with things I don’t like

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* 3. Willing to follow orders

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* 4. Will go along with others

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* 5. Think of others before I decide

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* 6. Willing to help

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* 7. Understand others’ feelings

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* 8. Nice to other people

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* 9. Have warm feelings for people

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* 10. Let others lead

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* 11. Don’t like to cause problems

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* 12. Don’t make demands of people

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* 13. Total From Page 1 (Add up all the numbers from above and enter it below. Write it down someplace you can access it again for the last page.)