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* 1. What was the main purpose for downloading Check Point’s R80.10?

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* 2. On which environment did you install Check Point’s R80.10? Check all that apply.

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* 3. What type of hardware did you install the software on?  Check all that apply.

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* 4. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with Check Point’s R80.10 solution so far?

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* 5. During the installation process and on-going usage, did you encounter any issues? Check all that apply.

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* 6. If encountered an issue, please specify which issue/s did you encounter? (SRs Numbers if available)

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* 7. What additional suggestions for enhancements or improvements would you like to see in the current or next version?

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* 8. Would you be willing that Check Point shares your organization name as an R80.10 customer reference?

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* 9. If you would like to be contacted by our support representative in order to work on the outstanding issues, please provide contact details:

Thank you for your feedback and cooperation! Please submit