Please complete this brief award nomination form. You will need to complete a separate nomination form for each candidate that you are nominating. All nominations must be received by Friday, July 10, 2020 at 5 PM ET.
SMDM seeks nominations of exceptional candidates who have made contributions in the area of Applied Health Economics (AHE) to have the Lee B. Lusted Student Awards in AHE named after him/her. The honoree will have the sub-award named for him/her for five years for the period 2020 - 2025.
Candidates for the AHE sub-award will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
  • Made a seminal contribution to the field
  • Ongoing contributions/involvement with the Society
  • Role in teaching and mentoring
Please write Damien Salamacha ( if you have any questions.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter the name of the person you are nominating for the Lusted AHE subcategory award:

Question Title

* 2. Please upload any additional information (CVs, Letter of Support) to support your nomination. 

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* 3. Nominator's Name

Question Title

* 4. Nominator's E-Mail Address