The Board of Directors of the Council of Science Editors invites CSE members to submit nominations for potential candidates to serve on the CSE Board of Directors. The Nominations Committee will consider all submissions and prepare a slate of candidates based on the information that you provide and other candidate recruitment activities. The Nominations Committee is chaired by the immediate Past President, Patty Baskin. She and the committee are pleased to offer this open call for nominations.

The board is composed of the president of CSE (who serves as chair of the board), past president, president elect, vice president, secretary (who serves as secretary of the board), treasurer, treasurer elect, 3 at-large directors (1 elected each year for a 3-year term), and an appointed nonvoting executive director. The editors of Science Editor and the CSE Web site are nonvoting, ex-officio members. Officers and directors are elected by the membership and take office during the business meeting at the Annual Meeting that follows their election.

In 2018, the CSE membership will elect one Vice President, one Treasurer-elect, and one Director.

Position Descriptions

Vice President
The vice president is elected to a one-year term. The vice president automatically succeeds to the office of president-elect after serving as vice president for one year. The chief functions of this officer are to become familiar with all CSE activities to prepare for the offices of president-elect and president and, if necessary, to act in place of the president-elect in the event or in those instances where the president-elect is unable to fulfill their responsibilities.

The vice president is a voting member of the Board, its Executive Committee, and the Finance Committee.

Just before becoming president-elect, the vice president appoints the vice chair of the Program Committee in consultation with the president and current Program Committee chair, with the understanding that barring unforeseen circumstances, the vice chair will become chair of the Program Committee concurrent to the vice president’s term as president.

The vice president, in coordination with the secretary will perform an annual review of the CSE bylaws and organizational guide, engaging others as appropriate. The vice president makes recommendations to the president and the Board for any necessary changes to the bylaws and organizational guide no later than the spring Board meeting.

The vice president will work with the executive director to organize an orientation session for new Board members and other new position holders to be held early in the schedule of the annual meeting. If an in-person orientation is not practical for all new committee chairs, vice chairs, and members because of travel arrangements for the annual meeting, an orientation webinar should be arranged for these position holders.

The Treasurer-Elect serves a 2-year term, concurrent with the Treasurer. He/she automatically succeeds as Treasurer. The Treasurer-Elect serves as Vice Chair of the Finance Committee and as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.

Three at-large directors serve staggered three-year terms. To expedite the work of the Board, each director is expected to serve on committees and task forces as requested by the president.

In addition, Directors serve as liaisons to committees as appointed by the incoming president. As committee liaisons, Directors are responsible to participate as an ex-officio member of the committee(s) with which they liaise and to serve as a resource for information sharing between the committee(s) and the Board. A key responsibility is to present recommendations to the Board from the committee(s) they represent and to report any Board actions related to the recommendations presented back to the respective liaison committee.

Question Title

* Please submit your own name or that of a colleague in the form below.

Nomination for:

Question Title

* Nomination Name:

Question Title

* Please describe the CSE and other professional activities of the person you are suggesting to the Nominations Committee and why you think this person would be a good candidate for office.