1. Informed Consent

Participation in this study is completely voluntary. You may choose not to answer any question. The purpose of this research is to: Collect data on the position, interests, and experiences of aviation community members to drive the position and recommendations of the Pilot Mental Health Campaign to key interest holders. If you participate in the research, you will be asked to answer questions regarding your positions, interests, and experiences regarding mental health in aviation. Your replies will be anonymous, so do not put your name or any identifying information anywhere on the survey. Your time in the survey will take approximately 10 minutes and consists of up to 23 multiple-choice and 5 text responses. Possible risks and costs to you for taking part in this study may be discomfort in answering questions, and there are no direct benefits to taking part in this research. An alternative to taking part in this research study is to click “I do not agree to participate in this research study”. Your alternative to taking part in this research study is to not take part in it. The de-identified (anonymous) information collected for this research may be used by or distributed to investigators for other research without obtaining consent from you. Should you have any questions or like to retract your response before or during the study, you may contact PMHC at info@pmhc.org. This study is being conducted by the Pilot Mental Health Campaign and has not been approved and is not being overseen by an Institutional Review Board. Approval to participate in this survey online indicates your consent for the use of the answers you supply.

Question Title

* 1. Do you consent to participating in this study?

20% of survey complete.