On February 28, 2017, the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors adopted a motion to explore the feasibility of establishing a voluntary countywide program that can keep track of adults and children and to expedite the recovery time of those individuals who wander away from their families and caregiver.  This Motion can be accessed at:  http://file.lacounty.gov/SDSInter/bos/supdocs/111874.pdf

Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services launched the “Bringing Our Loved Ones Home” (BOLOH) Task Force by bringing together key stakeholders to explore and make recommendations to the Board.

This questionnaire is intended to gather information specifically from law enforcement agencies.  Your input and suggestions will inform: 1) coordination, 2) technological solutions, 3) training needs, and 4) community awareness.

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* 1. Please provide the following information:

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* 2. In following the penal code for “at risk” missing persons, has your agency developed additional procedures to improve coordination/success when searching for “At-Risk” individuals who have wandered from their caregivers?  

If No, skip to question 4.

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* 3. If yes to question #2, please provide a brief description of any protocols, procedures, policies, checklists (etc.) and the population focus (children, older adults, etc.) 

Please send a copy of your policy, protocol and/or checklist(s) for handling At-Risk Critical Missing Persons (including patents who wander) as email attachment to: BOLOH@WDACS.LACOUNTY.GOV   

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* 4. Does your city and/or agency access a registry or database system designed to identify and/or track missing persons – especially those at high-risk - Autism, Alzheimer’s, and others?

If No, skip to question 6.

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* 5. If yes to question #4, please provide a brief description about the registry or database system. 

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* 6. Does your city and/or agency utilize and/or provide body-worn electronic trackers or another type of tracking system or device to help locate lost persons prone to wander (Autism, Alzheimer’s, etc)?

If No, skip to question 8.

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* 7. If yes to question #6, please provide a brief description of the system/device.

If your city and/or agency have a website that describes the availability of such trackers / program(s)?  If so, please indicate URL:

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* 8. Does your agency provide training about vulnerable, intellectually disabled individuals, with conditions such as Autism or Alzheimer’s disease?

If No, skip to question 11.

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* 9. If yes to question # 8, please describe the current training protocol and # of hours for personnel to attend training about vulnerable, intellectually disabled individuals, with conditions such as Autism or Alzheimer’s disease?

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* 10. Please provide the following information:

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* 11. Please provide needs and/or recommendations for enhancing the successful response to “at risk” missing persons in LA County.