Am I required to participate in this study?
Participation in this study is voluntary. After reading this informed consent, you can decide whether to participate in this study or not. Also, if you choose to participate and change your mind, you can leave the study at any time. You may do so even if you have not finished the survey. There is no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. If you decide to leave the study, close your internet browser. No information collected before you chose to stop will be used.
Any possible risks or discomforts?
There are no foreseeable risks or discomforts associated with this study.
Any direct benefits for me?
Any paid compensation or incentives for my time?
There will be an opportunity to participate in a drawing for one of two digital $50 Amazon Gift Cards.
Presentation of Information Collected
The research data will be presented by publication in a doctoral dissertation. The data may also be presented in other occupational therapy related journals. The data will be presented in summary format. There will be no specific surveys presented.
Privacy and Data Security
Will other researchers ever be able to link my data/responses back to me?
Will my initial data include information that can identify me. (names, addresses, or other identifying material, such as audio, specific demographics, etc.).
Initial data will include the demographic data of your direct supervisor. This includes age, biological gender, professional education level, and state of practice.
Will researchers assign my data/responses a research ID code to use instead of my name?