Question Title

* 1. What session did you attend or view

Question Title

* 2. How did you learn about the Academic Information Session?

Question Title

* 3. Do you understand the role of the academic advisor?

If you have additional questions after the session, please email

Question Title

* 4. After attending or viewing the Academic Information Session, do you feel that you are able to navigate the Madison College website to learn more about your intended program? For example, do you know where to find your program webpage to review the program admission requirements, curriculum, career options, and average salary?

Question Title

* 5. Using the scale provided, please rate the following aspects of the Academic Information Session:

  Poor Fair Average Good Excellent
Length of Session
Ease of navigation on the Madison College website
Workshop content
Overall Session Satisfaction
Convenience of day/time offered

Question Title

* 6. Did the Academic Information Session help you determine your next steps to start at Madison College?

Question Title

* 7. What did you find most useful about the Academic Information Session?

Question Title

* 8. Suggestions for improving the Academic Information Session:

If you have any additional questions about financial aid please email the Financial Aid Department at
If you have questions about the Admissions and/or Transfer Credit please email the Enrollment Center at