
The research team composed of members from two Arizona cities, have undertaken this study as an extracurricular study.
The research team acknowledges the importance of equity as a measure of success for public and active transportation programs, which include some of the most vulnerable roadway users, such as pedestrians and bike or scooter share users. Based on research conducted in 2017, 2018 and 2021 we have concluded that not all transportations/mobility agencies have a specific performance measurement addressing and quantifying equity.
With your help, the research team wants to determine some of the reasons for this, as well as determine if a performance measure exclusively for equity is needed. Additionally we want to understand what you think this measure should evaluate and whether it is of practical value. For these reasons, we have created this survey.
For purposes of this survey we are using AT = Active Transportation mobility programs/projects and ATV = Active Transportation Vehicles.
The results are anonymous, but the respondents can let us know if we can contact them for follow-up.
This is an 8-question survey and will only take 5 minutes to complete. thank you in advance for your time.

Question Title

* 1. We would like to know what role you serve with active transportation shared vehicles (ATV) (bikes or scooters). Please choose as many as apply.

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* 2. When evaluating equity, we are looking at how trade-offs are balanced (benefits and costs) and whether this is fair and appropriate.  Please let us know what impact is most important to you? Scale 1 to 5 (1-high; 5-low)

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* 3. When evaluating equity, what unit of measurement do you believe should be used (or you use) ?

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* 4. When categorizing the group served by the AT program what is an important characteristic that should be part of a public transportation decision? Please checkmark all those that apply

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* 5. Public involvement is important for transportation equity planning, so a planning process should reflect each community’s equity concerns and priorities. So, do you agree with this sentence: Because there is no single correct methodology, it is generally best to consider a variety of issues and perspectives.

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* 6. Regarding the following three questions:

Thesis: If a performance metric is not easy to define/quantify, or the data it uses is not available, then the metric is of no value.

Please let us know if the following recommended equity metrics are adequate.

Metrics:  Time of travel for AT modes (walk, bike or scooters) either total travel time (accounting for delays) or active travel time (not including controlled delays).

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* 7. Metrics: Ratio between user fee for the ATV use per route and cost of travel using transit or walking (if walking, then multiply time spent by an average wage associated with the user group)

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* 8. Metrics: Ratio of the number of total users of the AT mode to the number of users in the targeted population/area

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* 9. If the research team would like to contact you in the future. Please provide your contact information. If want to be anonymous, please skip. Thank you for your time.