CCID 2019 Werner Kubsch Nominations

The 2019 Dr. Werner Kubsch Award
The Werner Kubsch Award recognizes outstanding achievement in international education by an international educator from a community, technical or vocational institution. Awardees exemplify career dedication to the field of international education and have demonstrated leadership through developing transformative study abroad and faculty exchanges, institutional partnerships, curriculum development, and/or other international projects at their institution.

CCID welcomes nominations for the 2019 Werner Kubsch Award from community, technical, and vocational institutions worldwide. The deadline for nominations is November 15, 2018.
Please have the following information ready prior to beginning the submission form:
1. Nominee's Position/Title and Institution during the period for which the achievements are cited
2. Resume/CV of the Nominee
3. Support letter for the nominee from the executive of their institution (president, chancellor, rector, CEO)
4. Countries where the nominee has worked or partnered (optional)
5. Award Criteria and Narrative:
Select from the criteria listed below and describe in 250 words how the nominee has excelled in the criterion. You must choose a minimum of one criterion, but showcasing multiple criteria is encouraged. You do not have to respond to every criterion.
6. Supporting Materials:
Supporting materials strengthen the nomination and are strongly encouraged. Supporting documents should be directly relevant to the award criteria cited in the nomination narrative. You may submit up to a total of 10 pages and can include links to publications, articles, etc. Only electronic submissions will be accepted.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter nominee's information:

Question Title

* 2. Please enter nominee's title/role:

Question Title

* 3. Please include countries where nominee has worked or partnered: (optional)

Question Title

* 4. Supporting Materials:
Supporting materials strengthen the nomination and are strongly encouraged. Supporting documents should be directly relevant to the award criteria cited in the nomination narrative. You may submit up to a total of 10 pages and can include links to publications, articles, etc. Only electronic submissions will be accepted.

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 5. Supporting Materials (cont):
Supporting materials strengthen the nomination and are strongly encouraged. Supporting documents should be directly relevant to the award criteria cited in the nomination narrative. You may submit up to a total of 10 pages and can include links to publications, articles, etc. Only electronic submissions will be accepted.

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 6. Please upload nominee's CV/Resume

DOCX, DOC, JPG, GIF, JPEG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 7. Please upload a letter of support from the executive of the nominee's instution: (president, chancellor, rector, CEO)

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File
AWARD CRITERIA: Each criterion will be rated on a 5-point scale for a maximum total of 30 points. To view/download the nomination guidelines and rubric for scoring. Matrix available here:

Criterion 1 - Developing the global competence of students at the institution by helping them understand the impact of other countries and cultures on their daily lives
Criterion 2 - Expanding opportunities for students to study abroad
Criterion 3 - Developing opportunities for faculty and staff to participate in international professional development or exchange
Criterion 4 - Developing international partnerships that further the impact of international education at the institution
Criterion 5 - Leading projects abroad which benefit educational systems or people in other countries
Criterion 6 - Expanding pathways for international students to study at the institution

Question Title

* 8. . Award Criteria and Narrative:
Select from the criteria listed above and for each criterion, describe in 250 words how the nominee has excelled in the criterion. You must choose a minimum of one criterion, but showcasing multiple criteria is encouraged. You do not have to respond to every criterion.

Question Title

* 9. Finally, please provide your contact information.