Retail Theft Business Survey

We are collecting data to better understand the challenges businesses face due to retail theft. Your responses will remain confidential unless you explicitly approve the sharing of your details. The results will otherwise be presented as cumulative findings or anonymized.
1.Company Name: (Optional)
2.Location (Neighborhood):(Required.)
3.Business Address (Optional):
4.How is retail theft currently affecting your business?(Required.)
5.What types of retail theft have you experienced? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
6.How many incidents of retail theft has your business experienced over the past 12 months?(Required.)
7.When do these incidents typically occur? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
8.Has each incident been reported to the police?(Required.)
9.Do you have any alarm systems or deterrents in place? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
10.How effective do you feel these measures have been in preventing theft?(Required.)
11.What specific impacts has retail theft had on your business? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
12.What is the estimated financial impact of retail theft on your business over the past year?(Required.)
13.Would you like to share any additional comments about your experience with retail theft or suggests for solutions? (Optional)
14.I approve the sharing of my responses.(Required.)
15.Would you like to be contacted for further discussions on this matter?(Required.)