Community Assessment Introduction

Women In Distress of Broward County, Inc. is conducting a survey to assess the needs within the community as it relates to domestic violence. Our goal is to clearly identify barriers to services, training opportunities, and improve overall community responsiveness. The responses you provide in this survey will be invaluable in helping us to identify areas of strengths as well as areas of opportunities in regards to providing support to survivors of domestic violence and overall stronger batterer accountable within our community. Please note all survey responses will remain anonymous.  We appreciate your feedback!  

Question Title

* 2. As you think about all of the domestic violence victims that you have worked with, what are the most pressing services they have needed? (Mark all that apply.)

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* 3. Based on the most needed services you listed above, which services are the hardest to access in Broward County? (Mark all that apply.)

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* 4. What is the biggest unmet need of the victims you have assisted? (Choose only one.)

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* 5. What do you think are the best ways to help victims access resources? (Mark all that apply.)

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* 6. Rank the following housing needs from highest need (1) to the lowest need (5) for the domestic violence victims your organization serves:

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* 7. What form of direct financial assistance is the most needed by domestic violence victims? (Choose only one.)

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* 8. What barriers do victims of domestic violence often face when accessing and receiving needed services? (Mark all that apply.)

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* 9. Please provide feedback on the presence and strength of the following system change actions:

  Currently Happening - Area of Strength Currently Happening - Area for Further Growth Neutral Not Happening - Low Priority Need Not Happening - High Priority Need
Increased availability of supervised visitation and/or safe exchange programs
Increased training for law enforcement on identifying and responding to domestic violence
Increased training for child protection investigators/child dependency case managers on identifying and responding to domestic violence
Increased training for medical professionals on identifying and responding to domestic violence
Increased training for crisis hotline workers on identifying and responding to domestic violence
Increased batterer accountability training (recognizing abusive behavior, safety planning with abusers, case planning with abusive individuals…etc.)
Improved batterer intervention programming 
Increased accountability and stronger prosecution by the criminal justice/court system (law enforcement, probation, prosecution…etc.)
Overall stronger community involvement in holding the batterer/perpetrator of violence accountable for their behavior
Overall increased attention to the roles men play as fathers and providers and the impact their behavior or lack thereof has on the victim and children
Greater equality and responsibility-sharing between partners in household duties and parenting responsibilities

Question Title

* 10. Thinking about intimate partner violence (IPV) and domestic violence victims, are there any populations that you feel are currently underserved by the service providers and different systems within Broward County? (Mark all that apply.)

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* 11. Rank the following needs of LGBTQ+ victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) from the highest need (1) to the lowest need (5):

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* 12. Does your agency currently train your staff on how to assess and properly respond to domestic violence?  If yes, what topics do the trainings cover and how often are the trainings scheduled?

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* 13. What training topics would be most helpful to your organization to serve victims of domestic violence? (Mark all that apply.)

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* 14. What training format(s) are the most helpful for your organization? (Mark all that apply.)

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* 15. Based on your experience, what organizations do you feel could benefit from additional trainings related to identifying and responding to domestic violence?

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* 16. As a community how well are we:

  5 - Extremely Well 4 - Very Well 3 - Somewhat Well 2 - Not So Well 1 - Not Well At All 0 - Unsure
Sharing materials, tools, and other resources.
Communicating and collaborating in regards to shared domestic violence cases.
Implementing strategies to reduce the impact of domestic violence within the community.
Creating best practice process that are uniform across the county.
Building trust and collaboration between agencies.
Holding batterers/abusers accountable for their actions.
Keeping victims/survivors safe and free from violence and abuse.

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* 17. How can we as a community work together better to provide more comprehensive services and safety to survivors of domestic violence?

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* 18. Additional comments: